I have been challenged over the last year in "diet" experimenting, not for purposes of controlling weight but to manage my health. I have found it increasingly difficult to find recipes that are 100% tailored to my restrictions, so I tend to take recipes that are semi-ok and tailor it to things that I can have. I am finding new restrictions every day and tend to only know "what's really ok" after the fact. I have had a number of people ask me about various recipes so I have started to post some of them here. All will be dairy free (I substitute milk products with non-dairy versions of milk, use gluten free egg replacer and other things for eggs, and have found a number of other substitutions). Most recipes will be low sugar, low fiber, and low fat. As well as gluten free and yeast free. Ginger is said to be a natural digestion aid and helps nausea so I make an attempt at including ginger in everything!! I use multiple forms of ginger; ground ginger, fresh ginger (from the root), liquid ginger, candied ginger (this tends to melt when heated so it's easy to use in anything cooked or baked but adds a STRONG ginger flavor to EVERYTHING), and pickled ginger. In most recipes the spice portions are just a "starting point" for what I use. I tend to use way more of the spices than listed, simply beacuse I like the "spice" taste and really,the only way for me to tone down the ginger taste and still maintain a "therapeutic" level of ginger is to add the other spices with it.
Hope you enjoy these and if you have any suggestins, PLEASE let me know. :^)
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